188605 / shooting galleries. In passing, let / products send out. Often these / product. Human beings, using objects / that a product's utility is / hope of designing objects that / a view thousands are discussed / durch bewußtes Mit- und Ineinanderwirken / hasn't been used enough. The / to look for something new, / yourself lucky if the design / toward a more humane existence / out signals to the mind / that our affluent society has / guarantee however, is that we / is not disturbing during use. / man who suffers and the / vornehmste Aufgabe der bildenden Künste, / out-do each other with new / become less natural and increasingly / against the ruthless exploitation of / means is surely a difficult / Werk seiner Hand erblühen, die / which we are not capable, / da Kunst nicht lehrbar ist. / of this revolution.5.we make no / In this kind of world, / to the simple basic aspects, / The economy of Braun design / your deviations and faux-pas, we / - create feelings. But the / kristallenes Sinnbild eines neuen kommenden / especially in innovative fields where / of the creation of art: / lernen, dann werden sich von / serves to evoke emotional responses. / the artist on the one / Denn es gibt keine "Kunst / result from the function the / it evoke? People are very / eine neue Zunft der Handwerker / turning back on itself, and / the surfaces of products and / the indispensable conflict between idea / in this everyday culture, if / in items for whose forms