lechner interzum 09
branding / surface design / interior / scenography
500qm, digital print, glass, production lechner gmbh
fair: interzum 2009, cologne (germany)
exhibitor: lechner gmbh, rothenburg (germany)
architecture: spatial design munich (germany)
creative director: thomas häussler, spatial design munich (germany)
artwork: dorkenwald und spitzer, toronto (canada)
_red dot design award 2010 (germany) for architecture / interior design
_german design award 2010 (germany), nomination
lechner is the leading european supplier of a wide variety of work surface solutions. the company produces individual and special orders in a large variety of materials including glass, laminate, solid wood, and quartz stone produced to the highest quality specifications.
the interplay of architecture and design in the 500qm stand guides visitors and clients through the variety of lechner products and their potential applications. with a balanced dramaturgy each level of the stand is dedicated to either wood, stone, or glass. dorkenwald und spitzer composed artistic collages of the walls which are printed on glass. these environments emotionalize lechner products and give them a modern context.