berker light+building 08
modern habitat / media wall / brand message / attitude
440x220cm, digital print, paper
fair: light+building 2008, frankfurt am main (germany)
client: berker gmbh & co. kg, schalksmühle (germany)
architecture: schmidhuber + partner, munich (germany)
creative director: thomas biswanger, ingolstadt (germany)
artwork: dorkenwald und spitzer, toronto (canada)
the german company berker gmbh & co. kg commissioned dorkenwald und spitzer to design a mediawall as modern interior for the futuristic, mobile habitat–loftcube–developed by the berlin-based designer werner aisslinger. the loftcube was installed at the fairground at light+building 2008 in frankfurt am main.
selected products: ray & charles eames, rocking chair, 1948; inga sempe, container brosse, 2003; george carwardine, anglepoise, 1933; zeppelin, hindenburg, 1936; dorkenwald und spitzer, softhouse, 2006; dorkenwald und spitzer, the tallest man, 2005; rooms: le corbusier, villa savoye, 1928-31; donald judd, bedroom.